Welcome to my world of travel
Travel sets us free, quenches our curiosity, demolishes our biases and opens our eyes to places, people, mythology, stories , cultures and history as we never knew existed. Join me in my desire to share my own journeys shared through pictures and my stories … I organised the stories by continent, country and place and will keep augmenting as I travel . with love,
The Wandering Sherpa
The continent considered the cradle of human life beckons with its tapestry of terrains from the vast Sahara to the lush garden route. Ancient culture centres like Egypt juxtaposed with stunning wildlife experiences like the great migration invite the travellers to the land of the African Lion, Lake Victoria and majestic Victoria falls and the Cape of Good Hope
South america
Land of the Andes and the Mystique of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayas and the lure of the Amazon jungle and the thrill of Machi Pichu. The list goes on this awesome continent.